The Art of DEM

The Art of DEM For some reason, I am drawn to Digital Elevation Models (DEM). They express so much information in such an elegant way. Their creation does require embedding GPS data, but thats almost a given these days as its a straightforward exercise pulling points out of sonar. In simple terms, a DEM is Read more about The Art of DEM[…]

Geo Referencing the UB 116

Earlier this week Kevin Heath of Sula Diving kindly towed his side scan sonar fish past the remains of the UB 116, generating a very clear image of the wreck site: Relating the Model to the Planet With the GPS positions recorded in the sonar we can now extract a few key points and add them to Read more about Geo Referencing the UB 116[…]

Decimating the Model – the V83

Scapa Processing Continues What seems like an age ago we were in Scapa Flow diving from the good ship MV Valkyrie. Some of the models were completed on board – like the discovery of a German Pinnace whereas others such as the UB 116 took a little longer. Near the end of the list of wrecks to process is the Read more about Decimating the Model – the V83[…]