For The Wrecks They Are A-Changin

The seabed and wrecks are dynamic environments. As divers we are not always aware of just how much things change unless something dramatic occurs. In 2012 the stern of the Karlsruhe was very ship-shape with neat lengths of teak decking in place. Then the stern winch capstan collapsed to the seabed and upended everything. Anything Read more about For The Wrecks They Are A-Changin[…]

Digital Elevation Models Revisited

The Model Digital Elevation Models (DEM) are one of the outputs photogrammetry delivers. They are (almost) free, as long as you have GPS data (Latitude, longitude and depth) for known points then orientating and generating a view of the undulations of the scan is straightforward. The SS Gwladmena was scanned back in August 2016. At Read more about Digital Elevation Models Revisited[…]

Mixing Datasets – Photogrammetry and Multibeam

The one nagging thought while scanning is “Did I get enough overlap?”. No overlap of points and the scan data just won’t build into a single, seamless model. For anyone scanning topside data the opportunity to reshoot the missing images can be straightforward, but with shipwrecks its not so easy. The distances involved, boat availability Read more about Mixing Datasets – Photogrammetry and Multibeam[…]