November 6, 2017

Photogrammetry Services

What can Deep3D Offer You?

Working in the comfort of a studio or in the depths of temperate seas Deep3D delivers photogrammetry services.

We scan real life object and scenes to create beautifully lit, scaled and accurate digital models

Here’s a few examples of our work:

From the tiny components shot in the studio on the left to the massive SS Thistlegorm on the right, size does not matter.

Do you have a subject worthy of scanning?

Smaller subjects like the vintage torpedo part on the left can be quickly and accurately scanned and delivered. Underwater work such as the SS Thistlegorm on the far right takes a lot longer. If you have a subject to scan then things to consider are:

  • How big is the subject?
  • What level of detail do you require?
  • Is geo referencing and/or scaling required?
  • What level of accuracy do you require?
  • Does sonar data exist? Or do we need to gather GPS points?
  • How complex is the subject? Are there internal as well as external features?
  • Are there a lot of overhangs or covered areas?
  • Are there any restrictions for on-site photography?
  • If underwater, how deep is the subject?
  • What is the average underwater visibility like?
  • Is the subject very reflective?

None of the above will prevent scanning into 3D and can (or have) been solved in the past but they do affect the time needed to scan and process whatever is in front of the lens.

How much will it cost?

Fees do vary widely ranging from a few hundred pounds to several thousand. It all depends on the complexity of the work and the challenges needed to overcome them. If the work is in the UK and underwater then the Diving at Work Act must be adhered to but we are used to working in partnership with dive contractors to deliver the in-water work safely and effeciently.

Need more than a model?

In addition to the 3D model photogrammetry can deliver:

  • Ortho photos
  • Digital Elevation Models
E49 Wreck Print A1 Fine Art

Example of an ortho photo – the wreck of HM Submarine E49

Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) are a very beautiful way of expressing depth or height of a subject. You can read more about them here.

Both ortho photos and DEMs work best with geo referenced data but can be derived without scaling and embedded GPS measurements if required. Scaled ortho photos typically have a resolution of 1mm per pixel and direct measurements can be taken from them.

Processing these additions is a very cost effective add-on and can typically be delivered in a few hours once the model is complete.

Who have Deep3D worked for in the past?

Previous and current clients include media companies, archaeologists, researchers and commercial organisations:

  • Deeper Dorset – Link
  • Wessex Archaeology – Link
  • Mallinson Sadler Productions – Link
  • Maritime Archaeology Sea Trust – Link
  • Universities of Nottingham and Alexandria – Link
  • The Shipwreck Project – Link
  • Electric Pictures Pty Ltd – Link

Want to know more?

Photogrammetry has limitations  and is not always the best solution. If there is a better method we will explain why and equally if its a good fit then expect an enthusiastic response. We welcome inquiries from everyone – students or businesses alike – and are happy to consider projects others have declined…we love a challenge.

Please use the Contact Us  page to drop us an email with an outline of your project and we will be happy to have a chat.