Deep3D News
News from Deep3D including showcase videos, book publication, conference speaking and metashape training
News from Deep3D including showcase videos, book publication, conference speaking and metashape training
A single source page for all available content covering the wreck of the SS Thistlegorm
Slope Analysis As we have discussed before Digital Elevation Models help us understand subtle changes in depth (or height) of the subject. We also think they are art in their own right. Tucked away in the 1.4 release of Agisoft Photoscan Pro is a preference that adds slope analysis. The colours applied to the model Read more about DEMS – Another View[…]
A New Version Our friends at Agisoft have released a beta edition of Photoscan Pro 1.4. With all releases there will be some additions that get our pulses racing. Animation is one such feature. Having the ability to quickly create simple short videos of our models has been on our wish list for a while. With the latest Read more about Photscan 1.4 Beta – Animation[…]
A Pretty Blob Photogrammetry is an excellent way to capture the world around us. Anyone can get involved and explore a subject that might otherwise be out of reach. The underwater world is such a place and with just 0.5% of the population able to dive bringing a shipwreck to the surface in digital 3D Read more about Photogrammetry Measurement and Scale[…]
Deadlines and Detail Having masses of data is a double edged sword. Too little and your images won’t align or your models lack definition. Too much and processing time jumps exponentially. Its always a balancing act between a desire for detailed models and the time available. When The Thistlegorm Project team decided to launch the website on Read more about Can We Take a Closer Look?[…]
The Project The SS Thistlegorm is rated a world class wreck dive. But only a tiny fraction of the world can don SCUBA and pay the wreck a visit, so the Universities of Nottingham, Ain Shams and Alexandria have collaborated to digitally record the heritage beneath the waves. Funding for this work has been provided by Read more about Project Thistlegorm – The Processing Begins[…]