Here at Deep3D we like to do things a) once and b) right. Accurate models are far more useful than pretty images, but accurate and slightly “arty” really is what we strive for.
After building the latest model that merged two sets of scaled data, we wondered just how accurate the resulting model was? Two divers, equipped with a long tape measure and instructions of where to measure to and from were dispatched to the National Diving and Activity Centre. The results are as follows:-
- From Stalwart RH rear wheel hub to Jetstream bulkhead: 5.14m measured. Across the same points, the model recorded 5.2m.
- From the Stalwart LH rear wheel hub to the top centre of the Saracen radiator: 6.86m. Across the same points the model measured 7.04m
In other words, the model is within less than 2% of reality.
We are quietly pleased with these results, and the refined techniques of capture and scaling acquired over the last few weeks will serve us well when we start to record some of the deeper targets the Shipwreck Project has turned up recently. Watch this space!