The Art of DEM

The Art of DEM For some reason, I am drawn to Digital Elevation Models (DEM). They express so much information in such an elegant way. Their creation does require embedding GPS data, but thats almost a given these days as its a straightforward exercise pulling points out of sonar. In simple terms, a DEM is Read more about The Art of DEM[…]

Tidal Streams and Photogrammetry

A New Target Last week The Shipwreck Project surveyed and confirmed another sonar target. Before diving and upholding a long-held Project ritual, the lump was christened “The Block Of Cheese” on account of what it looked like on the sonar. Here’s a screen grab of what we were looking at: The Scan The target was quickly confirmed Read more about Tidal Streams and Photogrammetry[…]

Digital Elevation Models

Next year sees the start of a little project run by The Shipwreck Project to find the missing pieces in a great story involving a Second World War single seat fighter that crashed in Weymouth Bay. We know the date and the fate of the pilot – he bailed out and was rescued – but we do Read more about Digital Elevation Models[…]

Updated, refined & revised – SS Gwladmena

A combination of depth (38m) and size (67m x 9m) prevented the SS Gwladmena being scanned on a single dive, but by taking two sets of images from different dives the entire ship can be built. Dive one concentrated on the plan view of the decks. Dive two concentrated on the surrounding seabed and hull. Read more about Updated, refined & revised – SS Gwladmena[…]

SS Gwladmena – Shetland Islands

With the summer here, Deep3D has been busy. One very large and collaborative project will be published later this year but we have managed to slip away and scan some wrecks in Shetland. Built in 1878, the SS Gwladmena sank in 1918 and now lies in 38m of water close to Lerwick. At 70m long Read more about SS Gwladmena – Shetland Islands[…]

Merging data from different dives, and different divers.

At Deep3D we realise we cannot be everywhere, all the time. But should that mean we can’t create a 3D model from another photographer’s scanning, build a model and then merge it with existing data? Can we do just that? The short answer is “Yes we can”. Fellow diver and photographer Marcus Blatchford offered to Read more about Merging data from different dives, and different divers.[…]

Close to reality, but how accurate?

Here at Deep3D we like to do things a) once and b) right. Accurate models are far more useful than pretty images, but accurate and slightly “arty” really is what we strive for. After building the latest model that merged two sets of scaled data, we wondered just how accurate the resulting model was? Two divers, Read more about Close to reality, but how accurate?[…]

Merging data from different dives

Being underwater automatically limits how much area you can cover. At some point, you need to return to the surface and recharge your cylinders, eat, use the toilet and such. It can mean a big compromise between area covered and detail. But what if you could scan a subject, process the data and then return Read more about Merging data from different dives[…]