100 Years Ago Today – The Sinking of U.B.116

Last Roll of the Dice At 23:32hrs on the28th of October 1918 the Flotta Mining Hut triggered the remotely controlled minefield that guarded Hoxa Sound, thus sealing the fate of the submarine U.B.116 and her crew. U.B.116 had departed Heligoland early on the morning of the 25th with orders to attack the Royal Navy base Read more about 100 Years Ago Today – The Sinking of U.B.116[…]

Underwater GPS and Photogrammetry

Where am I? Trying to scan underwater sites such as submerged landscapes or very broken wrecks often results in becoming hopelessly lost. Add into the mix the vision limiting experience of low visibility and a difficult job gets a lot harder. When on a sightseeing dive disorientation can be frustrating as you fin around missing Read more about Underwater GPS and Photogrammetry[…]

Photogrammetry Measurement and Scale

A Pretty Blob Photogrammetry is an excellent way to capture the world around us. Anyone can get involved and explore a subject that might otherwise be out of reach. The underwater world is such a place and with just 0.5% of the population able to dive bringing a shipwreck to the surface in digital 3D Read more about Photogrammetry Measurement and Scale[…]

Bolt in the Bay – P47-D Crash Site

Background A few years back Grahame Knott of Deeper Dorset found the dispersed remains of an aircraft in Weymouth Bay. Over the years pieces of the jigsaw have come together, with pieces of information as diverse as component part numbers and an entry in the Portland War Diary (Held at the National Archives)  all adding up to Read more about Bolt in the Bay – P47-D Crash Site[…]

Project Thistlegorm – The Processing Begins

The Project The SS Thistlegorm is rated a world class wreck dive. But only a tiny fraction of the world can don SCUBA and pay the wreck a visit, so the Universities of Nottingham, Ain Shams and Alexandria have collaborated to digitally record the heritage beneath the waves. Funding for this work has been provided by Read more about Project Thistlegorm – The Processing Begins[…]

NDAC Orthophoto

Over the last week the NDAC model grew a little bit, with the BaE 146 aircraft joining the overall site (Thanks Marcus!). An updated model will be published soon. GPS Data Other progress included adding GPS data, using Google Earth to glean the latitude and longitude of the various buoys that mark the attractions. Depth was taken Read more about NDAC Orthophoto[…]

The NDAC Diver Attractions Model

Regular visitors to the News section may remember that Simon Brown (Deep3D) and Marcus Blatchford had a very informal project running to map as much of the National Diving & Activity Centre as they could. If you want to read more about how the model was created, do please read on. But if the model is all you Read more about The NDAC Diver Attractions Model[…]

Digital Elevation Models Revisited

The Model Digital Elevation Models (DEM) are one of the outputs photogrammetry delivers. They are (almost) free, as long as you have GPS data (Latitude, longitude and depth) for known points then orientating and generating a view of the undulations of the scan is straightforward. The SS Gwladmena was scanned back in August 2016. At Read more about Digital Elevation Models Revisited[…]

Underwater Photogrammetry…on the radio

Yes, you read the title correctly! Word of what Deep3D was up to in Scapa Flow this November reached the editors at BBC Orkney. Intrigued to know more, they sent along a reporter and recorded a short interview with Simon. The interview begins at 12 minutes 50 into the broadcast:- Photogrammetry on the BBC. The Read more about Underwater Photogrammetry…on the radio[…]