Drain the Pirate City

Pirate Port in the Press Published in this month’s BSAC SCUBA magazine is a four page account of how Jamaica’s Port Royal was scanned on behalf of MSP/National Geographic/Discovery Canada for the production of Drain the Sunken Pirate City. The programme now being broadcast on National Geographic Channel here in the UK. Port Royal is Read more about Drain the Pirate City[…]

Recent News – Maps and Mags

Sketchfab Maps The previous update discussed  how Sketchfab labs had started to test the waters with geo locating 3D models. One limitation for those of us who work with underwater photogrammetry was precise location. When generating the tagging code all we could was get close and there was no way to enter precise longitude and latitude coordinates. Read more about Recent News – Maps and Mags[…]

Maps and Sketchfab

Where is it? Just the other day the discussion here at Deep3D was all about answering the question Where am I? Now we can share where is it? Sketchfab is the place where most of my work ends up being shared and viewed. You can upload directly from within Agisoft Photoscan and there are some very neat tools to Read more about Maps and Sketchfab[…]

Photscan 1.4 Beta – Animation

A New Version Our friends at Agisoft have released a beta edition of Photoscan Pro 1.4. With all releases there will be some additions that get our pulses racing. Animation is one such feature. Having the ability to quickly create simple short videos of our models has been on our wish list for a while. With the latest Read more about Photscan 1.4 Beta – Animation[…]

Photogrammetry Measurement and Scale

A Pretty Blob Photogrammetry is an excellent way to capture the world around us. Anyone can get involved and explore a subject that might otherwise be out of reach. The underwater world is such a place and with just 0.5% of the population able to dive bringing a shipwreck to the surface in digital 3D Read more about Photogrammetry Measurement and Scale[…]

Can We Take a Closer Look?

Deadlines and Detail Having masses of data is a double edged sword. Too little and your images won’t align or your models lack definition. Too much and processing time jumps exponentially. Its always a balancing act between a desire for detailed models and the time available. When The Thistlegorm Project team decided to launch the website on Read more about Can We Take a Closer Look?[…]

Bolt in the Bay – P47-D Crash Site

Background A few years back Grahame Knott of Deeper Dorset found the dispersed remains of an aircraft in Weymouth Bay. Over the years pieces of the jigsaw have come together, with pieces of information as diverse as component part numbers and an entry in the Portland War Diary (Held at the National Archives)  all adding up to Read more about Bolt in the Bay – P47-D Crash Site[…]

Project Thistlegorm – The Processing Begins

The Project The SS Thistlegorm is rated a world class wreck dive. But only a tiny fraction of the world can don SCUBA and pay the wreck a visit, so the Universities of Nottingham, Ain Shams and Alexandria have collaborated to digitally record the heritage beneath the waves. Funding for this work has been provided by Read more about Project Thistlegorm – The Processing Begins[…]

The Art of DEM

The Art of DEM For some reason, I am drawn to Digital Elevation Models (DEM). They express so much information in such an elegant way. Their creation does require embedding GPS data, but thats almost a given these days as its a straightforward exercise pulling points out of sonar. In simple terms, a DEM is Read more about The Art of DEM[…]